

1st American Ski/Snowboard Trip

As a Canadian I've done my fair share of skiing and snowboarding (my homeland peps have mad snow sports skillz) but I have never snowboarded as an American...until last week. My dad and I headed up to Tahoe without my brother (who couldn't take time off) or my mom (who was miserably sick :-( poor mom) thus making our family trip a father daughter trip.


#25 Tour the Budweiser factory

Road trip (to Fairfield)!!!!!! I love road trips...especially ones involving beer, bellys and burritos. 
Did not manage to get the camera upright before taking the picture however this is the only non-blurry pic of the Budweiser wind turbine I had soooo it made the blog
Bonnie and Rebecca joined me in checking off #25 on Saturday aka Budbelly day. Even though I went to school at Davis, I never made it over to Fairfield to go on a tour of the factory....soooo un-American of me.  


#41 Host a Super Bowl party

I updated the list to include some more American things to of which was host a Super Bowl party! I hate Comcast so in an act of definance, the cable was cancelled a few years ago...because you know loosing my business is really going to make an impact on them. FYI life without cable TV has been pretty awesome(thanks to Hulu and Netflix). So to solve the lack of cable problem,  we ended up borrowing an antenna from Rebecca so that we could actually watch the game/commercials.
TV!! In our apartment!! Good start to any Super Bowl party

American napkins obvi

SF SPCA visit to finish up #33

Roomie Lindsey and I decided to go to the SPCA today to drop off the donation items I picked up at Walmart last weekend. Sounds like a good idea right? Well I should mention that we are both total dog lovers in major dog withdrawal and our apartment doesn't allow dogs....not a good combo. We spent the entire ride to the SPCA trying to prep ourselves so we don't end up with a third passenger on the way home.